Saturday, October 7, 2017

Forgotten Halloween:"The Last Halloween" Television Special

"The Last Halloween" was released in 1991 from Hanna-Barbera and aired on CBS, and I'll be honest, I've met no one who remembers this 30 minute special.However, I do remember it and took a look at it this season...

It's interesting to note that William Hanna himself, co-founder of Hanna Barbera, did the narration for this special. It's Halloween and a brother and sister are preparing to go trick or treating. Their mother died when they were younger which for thirty minutes you're uncomfortably reminded of constantly. In fact, one of the first lines said is the boy chastising his sister for wearing the same Halloween costume year after year even though their deceased mother made it for her and the girl feels close to her that anyway..Cruella De Vil arrives.

 Rhea Pearlman informs the kids not to come to her creepy old mansion on the hill for Halloween because you would desperately want to trick or treat at a creepy old mansion on a hill. The kids Grandfather owns a candy factory which is the only job in town. They go visit and they're told that this is...wait for it..THE LAST HALLOWEEN! Crystal Lake.........Crystal Lake powers the factory and it's gone dry. But here come the aliens..

Now these aliens look somewhat good for CGI aliens in 1991.They are on the hunt for coobi, which is Martian for candy. The kids inform the aliens they've come on the right night. So, coincidences in hand, they go trick or treating blending in with all the kids of the town the same way no one could tell Clark Kent was Superman with the glasses on.

We find out the bad guys (shockingly) are the ones draining the lake because they're on the hunt for insects that they've found out hold the secret for eternal youth. They end up kidnapping one of the aliens. Now, the kids get him back, they find the dad, evil plans destroyed, lake returns with wish, and aliens leave. If that seemed like a grossly rapid summary, it basically goes that fast. It's a twenty two minute special that needed to be an hour special. There's no way to cram that much into such a short period of time without confusion, and that's sort of what it becomes.

It's never been released on any format but you can find it on YouTube. I actually recommend this. It's corny, slightly frustrating, but it's so short anyone can sit through it. If you're interested in forgotten Halloween specials, go check this one out now. There's more than enough here to at least make you glad you discovered it.

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